Modesto Perez
Salvador Urbina Grower
Modesto has a hard time keeping up with the plans of his wife Evarista and their daughter Maria. Maria is one of 10 children that they have together, 3 of which are working in the USA. Evarista and Maria decided long ago that they should provide all of their needs from their garden and coffee lands. They grow and sell all sorts of fruits and vegetables including avocados, tomatoes, chiles and cashews, and they even make chocolate from their cocoa trees! They raise and butcher and sell meat, eggs and even roast peanuts. They purchased 3 homes and several lots all together to guarantee the cleanliness of the well water that they use. You can be guaranteed a fresh field and excellent meal every time you visit with them that always includes chocolate too! Their molé is one of the best in Chiapas as it uses all ingredients from their garden. It is not unusual to see 80+ year old Evarista walking up the hill from her garden with 20 pounds of squash in a basket on her head!